Friday, August 6, 2010

IF... Ezra got Aria then who got Ali? (This show needs some better lines to figure out who she was dating)

Aria and Ali on set practicing lines.
Aria: But Ali you have to tell us
Ali: Okay I can't stand it these lines are boring
Aria: You said that already
Ali: I did? *Looks at script*
Aria: But I wonder who are you with on the show?
Ali: *Over dramtic sigh* I wish I could tell
Aria: We are not reading the script right now
Ali: Okay you promise not to get angry or tell?
Aria: I promise
Ali whispers who

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Spencer and Ali: The day they killed Jenna.... and everybody else

Ali: Umm, Spence?
Spencer: You killed her
Ali: We need to hide her body
Spencer: But the director is coming!
Ali: Give me your sunglasses!
Spencer: Fine but she looks dead still
Ali: Hold her up!
Director: Hey, so I was thinking about killing off Alex-
Spencer: She's just sleeping
Jenna's head falls off.
Director: Holy-
Ali hits him THE CANE OF DESTRUCTION (Duh Duh Duh)
Director splits in two.
Spencer: AW COME ON!
Ali: Oh no here comes Aria!
Aria: OH MY GOD!
Spencer grabs Jenna's head and makes Jenna's eyes open then Aria goes blind with Jenna's POWERS
Aria: Wait I can't see
Ali hits her like Bear Jew from Inglorious Bastards
Spencer: You just got sued by Tarantino!
Ali: Oh no here comes Emily
Emily: He- What's that
Spencer comes out with a chainsaw
Wren walks up
Spencer: NO!
Ali pulls out a gun
Wren: I love love you Spencaarrrr-
Spencer: No! No! NO!
Every fan girl comes up
Fan girls: NO! NOT WREN!
Other Fan girls: NOT EZRA!
Ali pushes them out of the way, the producer takes the bullet for Ezzie
Ali: I'm gonna kill you
*This scene will not be written due to every girls head exploding*

Later that day
Ali: We have to go on with the show
Spencer: But everyone is dead
Ali: We have wigs right?

On next Tuesdays episode...
Ali: Mona stop being mean to Lucas
Spencer: Just because hermy likes you doesn't mean he likes you back

Everyone at home: This show has gone down hill fast

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Emily's Perfect Storm Bathroom Scene

In the Bathroom with the Girls

Emily: Spencer move to the left.
Spencer: Sorry!
Hanna: Why is Mr. Fitz in here?
Mr.Fitz: I don't know
Toby peeks his head in.
Toby: Is there room for one more?
Hanna: Everybody, stop talking about Tacos Sean is having a Gay attack!
Mr.Fitz: I felt that!
Aria: That wasn't me.
Wilden: Bow Chick wow wow
Everyone: Hey Ali.
Ali: Lucas is coming.
Lucas: And so is Noel
Noel tries to get in,
Everyone: NO!
Mike: Oh is there room for another?
Maya: I already took it!
Random Dude: It smells like Donuts
Everyone looks at Dude.
Dude: What?
Mr. Fitz: Get the f**k out of here!
Aria: I like it when you get angry.
Hanna: Mona how did you get here?
Mona: Umm the door?
Wilden: I don't know but get the team on it!
Aria: Wait a second..
Spencer: What?
Emily: What's Ali doing here?
Ali: Shit! Bye!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hanna and Ali :The Perfect Mall Couple! (Deleted Scene)

Hanna is at mall with Alison.

Ali: Sweetie, why are you getting a five?
Hanna: Because I am a five.
Ali:(Yells)No, I'm a three and you're a 11 stretchy
Hanna: ALi I thought we were friends.
Ali sitts there ignoring the comment.
Ali: Hanna, stop biting my hand.
Hanna: Let me try on a five and see if it fits.
Ali: It shall be the biggest muffin top ever!
Hanna: Stop it!

Sean: Omigod (Barfs)
Hanna: What?
Sean walks off with a garbage can.
Ali: He saw your muffin top.
Hanna exhales and the button goes flying.
Noel Kahn uses his big brows to save his eyes
The button hits Jenna right in the eye.
(True story of how she got blind!)

Ali: Let's go to Sears next time.

The un-editied Barn Scene

Ali comes into Spencer's barn where the girls are already tipsy.

Ali: WE still are shooting here?
Spencer: Yeah I know. Did you get that shitty music we love?
Ali: 3OH!3 yeah, I bought at Target (winks toward camera)
Emily: They are really desprate to advertise?
Hanna: I wear the same sweater in every flashback. *sighs*
Aria: You can tell I'm goth because of my pink stripe in my hair.
Ali: Who writes this shit?
Spencer: I don't know.
Ali: Well I'm gonna wonder off in the woods! Bye!
Emily: Think she'll come back?
Spencer: Whatever, I don't care as long as were getting paid.
Hanna: And brings us food! ANTONIO!
Antonio brings in a cake and Hanna eats it five minutes
Aria, Emily and Spencer gags 
Hanna: What?

Spencer: Hanna!
Hanna: What?
Aria: You're biting my hand.
Aria: You ate yours.
Emily: And mine.
Hanna: I'm just growing.
Ali: And making Spandex Break!
Hanna: Go die already!
Ali: Whatev (Walks off)
Spencer: Well can this cut to the theme song yet?
Aria: Wait for about five more-