Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hanna and Ali :The Perfect Mall Couple! (Deleted Scene)

Hanna is at mall with Alison.

Ali: Sweetie, why are you getting a five?
Hanna: Because I am a five.
Ali:(Yells)No, I'm a three and you're a 11 stretchy
Hanna: ALi I thought we were friends.
Ali sitts there ignoring the comment.
Ali: Hanna, stop biting my hand.
Hanna: Let me try on a five and see if it fits.
Ali: It shall be the biggest muffin top ever!
Hanna: Stop it!

Sean: Omigod (Barfs)
Hanna: What?
Sean walks off with a garbage can.
Ali: He saw your muffin top.
Hanna exhales and the button goes flying.
Noel Kahn uses his big brows to save his eyes
The button hits Jenna right in the eye.
(True story of how she got blind!)

Ali: Let's go to Sears next time.

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